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Customer case Province of Groningen
A client’s story
"Together we decide whether salting is truly necessary, or not"
– Province of Groningen on
Road Ice Support

“It is very easy to say: it will be slippery, go out and salt. But it doesn’t work that way. If we can spare salting, we do so. It saves costs and is better for the environment.”
Solution used:
Kees Kuipers is Coordinator Regional Administration at the Province of Groningen and as such heads a team of de-icers. Every winter he and two other coordinators ensure optimal ice monitoring of the provincial roads of Groningen. Since 2018 they do this in consultation with the meteorologists of Infoplaza. “Together we stick as closely to the truth as possible. To us that is important.”
As a road-ice coordinator you have to be able to rely on the advice of the meteorologists.
In the past the province signed contracts with weather stations based on the lowest price. Until they started talking to Olaf Sueters at Infoplaza, in 2018. The 24/7 monitoring and the personal contact with meteorologists paved the way for a close collaboration between the province and Infoplaza to ensure road users a safe journey in winter.
24/7 support
The decisive factor for Kuipers and his team was the 24/7 monitoring. Road Ice Support users, apart from using colour codes based on the road ice reporting system can rely on the meteorologists’ advice, day and night. Kuipers explains: “With that connection to or contact with the meteorologists feeling is involved. In the beginning of an intense collaboration you are exploring. Us coordinators eventually have to decide whether or not we are going to salt. You have to able to rely on the advice Infoplaza issues, because ultimately we take final responsibility.”
Trust was won through open communication between both parties. Kuipers and his colleagues visited Infoplaza’s headquarters in Houten and after a year they evaluated. Kuipers: “What I like, is that we catch up before every road ice season – because during a few months you don’t talk at all. So every fall we notify Infoplaza of, for instance, new salting routes or measure points. And the other way around: when Infoplaza has implemented, say, a new road surface model, they inform us.”
Do not salt for the sake of salting
In Groningen they know ice meteorologists Michiel, Alfred, Maarten and Marco by now. But having a good connection is not enough during road ice season. According to the ice coordinator from Groningen it mainly evolves around the expertise of the ice meteorologists. “It is very easy to say: it will be slippery, go out and salt. But it doesn’t work that way. You always have to ascertain if it is truly necessary. Alfred Snoek indicated this beautifully during his masterclass last February. If you can spare salting, do it! It saves costs and is better for the environment. This is how I look at things as well. Trying together to stick as closely to the truth as possible. That is very important to us.”
In the winter of 20/21 there was a warning for black ice and code red was issued for a big part of The Netherlands. Kuipers says that when it comes to black ice it is always important to know what this means for his province. At moments like that his team needs background information from a meteorologist who can tell if the temperature in his area possibly will go up. “This can vary per province or even per municipality.”
Precipitation and wind are also deciding factors for the de-icers’ salt spreaders to head out. “When precipitation is forecasted for after 8 PM, we never salt. The salt will be washed away before morning traffic hits. Our drivers also need to take wind and potentially wind direction into account when salting the roads. Wind speed and direction is something we discuss with the meteorologists, before we roll out.”
A midnight call
According to Kuipers the winter of 21/22 was nothing much. If during the preliminary consultation at night with the meteorologist the forecast is road ice, he sets his alarm at night. Between 2 and 4 AM he checks the road ice reporting system and potentially talks to the meteorologist on the phone to make a final decision. Is salting necessary for this morning rush hour? Kuipers laughs: “When I check the number of times I set my alarm this winter, it is zero.” Yet, the ice coordinator wondered at times about the road ice that occurred despite the mild temperatures. “At one point, the road surface temperature was way above 0, but we saw orange blocks popping up in the dashboard (which is the colour code for possible road ice, ed.). It wasn’t cold at the time. A phone call to one of the meteorologists made us realise that the roads were going to be slippery indeed. Because of the clear sky that night the road surface temperature dropped quickly to below 0.”
In Road Ice Support Kuipers indicates the colleague on duty, so the right coordinator gets the call. “In other words: this way they never wake you up unnecessarily!” Also, all road ice forecasts and consults are logged. “Say for instance that our team receives the advice to salt, but we decide not to, or vice versa. Everything is logged and this is a good thing.” Three times a day contractors, coordinators of supporting locations that salt the cycle paths and drivers of salt spreaders receive an update of the forecast. “This hands them an indication, so early on they’ll know if there is a chance of road ice.”
Extras for de-icers
A smart, accessible dashboard combined with the expertise of the meteorologists make Infoplaza a weather company Kuipers feels he can rely and depend on. “At Infoplaza de-icing is highly important. We notice because of all the extras they offer: courses, webinars, masterclasses and the yearly preparations for road ice season. Even if I have a few questions about a nearing storm, I receive an answer to those questions. They never make a fuss about it. They can take pride in being that customer friendly. They continue to have feeling with the client.”
Working on better decision making,
together with our experts

Alfred Snoek
Senior Meteorologist
“We provide the most up-to-date and accurate information so that you can confidently decide whether to get on the road or not. ”

Camiel Richard
Business Development Manager
"It is our goal to get through the winter season safely, efficiently and sustainably together with our customers"

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Head of Sales B2B
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